Hey folks! Today we interviewed one of the members of the web design team - Connor. We asked him what they are doing in the web design team and what their current progress is. Connor told us that their group is ahead and has already started putting up other work from other groups such as ShrinkLits, vocabulary, etc. They're hoping to put up videos soon that have been made by the video production group. They worked hard to put up this website and they have done a very good job of it. Great job web design!
Connor from the web design team.
Today is our first day back from mid-winter break and I'm certain most people in our class are very tired. Today in class we will be reaching a consensus on designing our webpage. The web design group will show us what we can put on the web page. The web design group will try to see what they can incorporate from all students. They will also be taking advice on what to make better and what to keep the same. Both of the layouts were basically the same except the tabs going into other pages was on the top and one was on the left side. Also one was more basic and simple and one was colorful and extravagant. - Karson and Kant